We present the new accessories catalogue

One of the goals we have at Stayer is to offer you solutions that improve your productivity and optimize your time. And therefore, for more than 60 years our engineers and technicians have been working daily to manufacture quality tools, with high efficiency values ​​that ensure the best experience and results.

But not only that, our network of salespeople, product specialists and the rest of the departments collaborate in unison so that you can have our products both in our points of sale and in our offline and online channels.

Something we have been working on from the beginning is the general catalogue of tools and accessories. A very useful instrument so that you can always check our products both in the special section of our website or in the physical stores that sell them.

Well, our continuous desire for improvement has led us to develop a new catalogue for our accessories.

As you can see in the presentation video, we have a wide range, therefore, the reason for its creation has been to separate the accessories from the tools from the general catalogue and make your search faster and easier.

In it you will find a classification according to the tools with which they are compatible and, in addition, information about each model of its characteristics, advantages, applications, security measures and recommendations for use.

From accessories for hammers, drills, grinders, sanders, saber saws, jigsaws, circular saws, band saws, milling machines, biscuits, vacuum cleaners, beaters, pressure washers to displays for presentation at the sale points.

If you still do not have it, we will provide you with the link where you can find it.

Stayer 2021 Accessories Catalogue
Stayer 2020 General Catalogue

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